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Admissions Policy


 Decisions regarding admissions to Jersey College for Girls (“JCG”) rest solely with the Principal of JCG who is tasked with administering this policy. Decisions regarding admissions to Jersey College Preparatory School (“JCP”) rest solely with the Headteacher of JCP who is tasked with administering this policy. This policy is overseen by the Admissions & Marketing Sub-Committee of the Governing Body.  On occasion it may be appropriate for the Principal or Headteacher to seek the advice of the Sub-Committee.  


(a)    For Sixth Form:

Normally 5 x grade 9-6 passes at GCSE, which must include English and Maths at Grade 5 or above, with a grade 6 in subjects (or related subjects) that students wish to study at A Level.  

Entry to the Sixth Form is based on all JCG fees being paid at the end of academic year of Year 11.  Any outstanding debt will result in the Sixth Form place being withdrawn.

(b)    For Admissions in Years 8-11:

Applicants will be placed on a short waiting list for testing.  When a place becomes available, they will be contacted and invited to sit English and Maths entrance papers.

The criteria for entry are:

  • A positive report from the candidate’s present school. (We request student references from the Head of all current schools for all applicants. The information provided to us will include your child’s current and predicted working levels and attitude to study. This will be strictly confidential in accordance with our data protection policy.) 
  • An interview with our Principal and Head of School.  
  • A satisfactory performance in our English and Maths entrance papers. (If students are in the UK or based abroad, arrangements can be put in place for them to sit the entrance papers at their current school, under exam conditions.) 
  • Full disclosure of any health or medical condition, educational need or any behavioural, emotional or social information that could be relevant to school life. 
  • A minimum of 100+ mean score in Year 6/9 CATs (if CATs testing has been completed)

Places will be awarded on merit.  If a candidate performs well enough to be awarded a place but none is available, they will be kept on a waiting list and will be offered the next available place. 

(c)    Admission Procedure for entry to JCG from JCP

Due to JCP and JCG being one College, the admission procedures from JCP to JCG is different from other Island feeder schools.  In most cases, children from JCP will transfer through to JCG.  

Entry to JCG from JCP is based on all JCP fees being paid at the time of leaving JCP.  Any outstanding debt will result in the JCG place being withdrawn. 

Warning Indicators 

Should the Headteacher or Principal have concerns about the appropriateness of a place at JCG, a meeting with parents will be arranged. 

(d)    Admission to JCG from other Island schools

Students will not be invited to take an entrance examination. The decision for admission will be based on the primary school's reference, including recently sat CATs data, and the student’s attitude to learning.  

The admission criteria, is as follows:

  • Students with a CATs Mean score of 100+ will be considered for entry. 
  • Achieved 5S (5 Secure Age Related Expectation) or above in Teacher Assessments in English and Mathematics for the end of Year 5. 
  • Predicted 6S (Age Related Expectation) or above in Teacher Assessments in English and Mathematics for the end of Year 6 .
  • A positive school report indicating strong commitment to learning and participation in a broad range of extra-curricular activities.  
  • Any student with less than 100+ Mean CATs score can opt to sit an Entrance Assessment if they wish to continue with their application. Any student who did not sit the recent Year 6 CATs tests will be asked to sit an Entrance Assessment instead. 

The final decision will be based on the CATs score plus information contained within the Primary School reference. Places will be allocated according to rank order, considering all the assessment criteria.   

A non-refundable registration fee is payable with the completed registration form. If applicants are in the UK or based abroad, arrangements can be put in place for them to sit the entrance papers at their current school under exam conditions.


(a)    Background

JCP teaches both boys and girls in Reception (also known as “Foundation Stage”) and in Years 1 and 2 (together known as “Key Stage One”). 

JCP teaches girls only in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 (together known as “Key Stage Two”). 

JCP takes 44 girls and 28 boys in Reception.  These children are organised into 3 classes of 24 in each class. 

At the end of Key Stage One, the boys have the automatic right to transfer to Victoria College Preparatory School (“VCP”) and the girls will automatically transfer to Key Stage Two at JCP to make year groups of 44 girls, organised into 2 classes of 22 girls each.

(b)    For Entry at Reception (Age 4+): Admission Procedure

Stage 1: Registration

The first requirement for admission is to complete an online registration form. A non-refundable registration fee of £80* is payable with the completed registration form. Registration forms can be found on the school’s website www.jcp.sch.je

Completed registration forms must only be sent to JCP within the registration timeframe as indicated below: 

Birth date Reception Entry Year Start date for applications Deadline for applications
1 Sept 2021 - 31 August 2022 2026 1 Jan 2024 30 Sept 2024
1 Sept 2022 - 31 August 2023 2027 1 Jan 2025 30 Sept 2025
1 Sept 2023 - 31 August 2024 2028 1 Jan 2026 30 Sept 2026
1 Sept 2024 - 31 August 2025 2029 1 Jan 2027 30 Sept 2027

Please note that applications for registration after the deadline date will not be eligible for the following Stages 2 and 3.

It is the responsibility of the registering parent(s) to inform JCP in writing (by email or by letter) of any subsequent change in contact details.  Where JCP is not able to contact a registered parent/carer the registration will become invalid and the registration fee will be forfeited. 

The children are not assessed academically for Reception entry.  

* With effect from 01/01/2021

Stage 2: Priorities

Priority places are only available at the time of the Reception intake. 

Parents/carers who fulfil one or more of the following priorities will automatically be offered a place in the appropriate Reception intake subject to availability. 

It is the responsibility of the registering parents/carers to inform JCP, on the Registration Form provided, if they believe they are eligible for any one or more of the following priorities listed below.  This must be done by the Deadline for Applications as itemised in Stage 1: Registration (see above). 

Proof of entitlement may be required.  

Priority places will be allocated in the following order:

1.    Sibling Priority

Sibling priority will be given to siblings of pupils/students at JCP, JCG*, VCP and VCJ* or those with confirmed places for any of these schools.

2.    Staff Priority

Priority will be given to children of any permanent employees of either JCP or JCG at the time of the Deadline of Applications as itemised in Stage 1: Registration (see above).

3.    Familial Priority*

Priority will be given to children of one or more of the parents (1st generation) who attended either JCP or JCG as a pupil/student themselves. 

If there are insufficient places for all those with Sibling priority, places will be allocated by ballot and those not gaining an automatic place will be placed be at the top of the waiting list. Places for the remaining applicants for Staff and Familial priority will then be added to the waiting list accordingly. 

The Admissions Sub-Committee reserve the right to admit a pupil (into JCP) or student (into JCG) under exceptional circumstances which may also result in altering any existing waiting list(s).  

* With effect from 01/01/2021

Stage 3: The Ballot

Subject to the allocation of priority places as listed in Stage 2: Priorities (see above), selection for the remaining places in Reception is by a ballot of the registered applicants respectively. When the ballot takes place, if a child drawn has a sibling(s) who is also in the ballot, the sibling(s) will also automatically be offered a place. 

If the child drawn as the last applicant also has a sibling(s) who is still in the ballot, all relevant sibling(s) will be offered places and the previous child/children drawn will be put as 1st/2nd on the waiting list  or immediately below any children from the priority list. 

The ballot will take place in the October/November following the Registration deadline. Once an offer of a place is given, a non-refundable deposit of £400 is required to secure a place.  This deposit will subsequently be offset against the first term's fees or forfeited if the child does not start at JCP. 

Stage 4: The Waiting List

Once all the available places have been allocated, two waiting lists (one for the boys and one for the girls) are set up and all remaining registered children are drawn randomly to allocate a position on the respective waiting list.  

Any applications after the deadline will be placed at the bottom of the respective waiting list.  

The waiting lists are kept open until the end of the Autumn Term in Year 2. 

There is no guarantee that a child on the waiting list will be offered a place at JCP. If, however, a space becomes available then it may be offered to the child at the top of the relevant waiting list, subject to relevant reports from their existing school. If a place is offered and not taken up by parents at that point in time, the child’s place will either be withdrawn from the waiting list or placed at the bottom of the list depending on the parent’s preference. Following the completion of the ballot, with all places having been allocated, there will be no further priority placed on the waiting lists for subsequent registrations. 


Following registration, it is the responsibility of the registering parent(s)/carer(s) to inform JCP in writing (by email or by letter) of any change in address or prolonged periods of absence from the Island. Failure to make such notification may result in the loss of registration, the loss of a confirmed place or the loss of a waiting list place. 

(c)    For Entry at Key Stage 2 to JCP from other primary schools (age 7+)

JCP usually offers 5 additional places for girls to start at the beginning of Key Stage 2 each year. There is no sibling, staff of familial priority for entry into KS2. Places are gained through an assessment process which also includes information from the girls’ current schools in reading, writing and mathematics. Students are expected to be achieving at least at age-related expectation (ARE) or above, however places are offered entirely at the discretion of the school. Registration for this process is advertised on the school website and through social media in the Autumn term of Year 2 and the assessment process itself takes place in January, in the Spring term.  

*With effect from February 2023 7+ entry for Year 3 2028 will no longer apply.


In accordance with the Education Department’s Transgender policy for admissions to single sex provided schools, JCG and JCP at KS2 will consider at the admissions stage the gender of the prospective student in accordance with the Gender Recognition (Jersey) Law 2010.  Admissions applications for students pursuing gender transition will be considered by the school with support from the CYPES and viewed on a case-by-case basis.  In such situation’s advice will be sought from the Education Department’s Principal Educational Psychologist as well as the wishes of the student and the views of their parents. 

For further information please see the CYPES’s Transgender policy for admissions to single sex provided schools.


Parents applying to JCG and JCP will only be able to appeal with regards to a failure to follow procedure as outlined in the policy correctly.  Appeals should be made in writing to the Chair of Governors.


See Payment of Fees Policy

For the avoidance of doubt, the termly fees are not subject to deduction in the event of school closures/reduced service (whether due to inclement weather, industrial action or other reasons).  No liability is accepted in relation to any costs howsoever arising in the case of school closures/reduced service. 


The school year is divided into three terms (the Autumn Term, the Spring Term and the Summer Term) and the dates of these terms can be found on the website www.gov.je. 

A full term’s notice of the intention to withdraw a pupil from the school must be given in writing to the Principal or Head Teacher failing which a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu.  Accordingly, notice must be given:

  1. on or before the last day of the Summer Term to withdraw a pupil at the end of the following Autumn Term;  
  2. on or before the last day of the Autumn Term to withdraw a pupil at the end of the following Spring Term; or   
  3. on or before the last day of the Spring Term to withdraw a pupil at the end of the following Summer term.  

  • Please note that this is applicable to all students (Reception to Y12) with the exception of Y13 natural leavers. If you have accepted a formal place at the College and withdraw your place without the official term’s notice before your child starts with us in September you be charged in lieu. 

For the avoidance of doubt, the termly fees are not subject to deduction in the event of school closures/reduced service (whether due to inclement weather, industrial action or other reasons).  No liability is accepted in relation to any costs howsoever arising in the case of school closures/reduced service.  


9.    This Admissions Policy, details of current fees and application forms are available on the following websites:



Please contact the College Registrar, Mrs Kate Robertson, for further information at [email protected]  

10.    Review dates: Policy to be reviewed annually

 November 2023 – approved by the Governing Body Admissions Sub-Committee