Thé et visites

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Thé et visites

We are delighted to offer ‘Tea & Tours’ to Year 6 pupils as we believe this will give you and your child an exciting opportunity to see our College in session.

The Tea & Tours commence at 14:00 with a presentation from Mr Howarth in College Hall. This is followed by a full and exciting personal student-led tour of the College and then you can join us for tea in the hall. We have planned that each afternoon will accommodate a relatively small number of students each accompanied by their parent(s). 

In order to sign up for the Tea & Tours @JCG, where we hope you get a flavour of the College ethos and the opportunities we provide, please click on the link and complete the details below.

PLEASE NOTE:  A specific date has been set for Tea and Tours for JCP students, you will receive a letter with the booking link for this.   

Monday 12th September is no longer available for Tea & Tours, feel free to book an alternative date below.

Should you have any queries about our Tea & Tours @JCG or Admissions to JCG, please don’t hesitate to contact us.