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Attendance Policy

Authors: Simon Milner and Alice Veitch
Date  janvier 2024
To be reviewed: January 2026


One of Jersey College for Girls’ core values is ‘belong’: we aim to create an inclusive and welcoming environment which students want to attend and in which they want to learn. We also aim to support students and families in removing barriers to achieving good attendance wherever possible.  

We recognise that 100% attendance will not always be possible. Students may sometimes be unwell, and there may also be occasions where authorised absences are appropriate, for example for important religious or cultural observations.   

The British Psychological Association notes that ‘the conclusion that a student cannot afford to miss even a few days at school without a significantly detrimental effect appears to be based on unsubstantiated beliefs’(School attendance, exclusion and persistent absence, 2017). However, they go on to note that ‘persistent absence from school – defined in 2015 as less than 90 per cent attendance – incurs costs: Economic, social and psychological, for the children and young people involved, for their communities and for society.’  

Even 90% attendance entails significant learning loss: ‘Achieving 90 per cent in an exam or test is a fantastic result but if your child is at school for only 90 per cent of the school year then they will have missed 19 days - almost four whole weeks of school.’(  

As such, we believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that students make the best progress possible, and we recognise that attendance is crucial to this. Our overall College attendance target is for a minimum of 96% attendance across all year groups. Our procedures have been devised, and are implemented, with the support of the Education and Welfare Team, who work centrally across island schools. 

Jersey College for Girls, working together with parents and in partnership with other professionals when needed, encourages all students to achieve excellent levels of attendance and punctuality.  


  • To promote and improve student attendance and punctuality and encourage students and parents to realise the importance of good attendance and punctuality, aiming for a target of 96% for all students. 
  • Travailler avec les élèves, les familles et d'autres professionnels pour éliminer les obstacles à l'assiduité dans la mesure du possible. 
  • To give a high priority to attendance and punctuality amongst all stakeholders, in acknowledgement of the role attendance plays in the progress, welfare and safeguarding of our students. 
  • To ensure that statutory requirements, including the proper maintenance of registers and the submission of attendance data, are met. 
  • To facilitate effective use of attendance data in the College. 
  • Donner à toutes les parties prenantes des indications claires sur les attentes et les procédures relatives à l'assiduité et à la ponctualité, ainsi qu'à la tenue des registres. 
  • To support and manage any instances of persistent non-attendance (as outlined in Appendix 1)


Les élèves doivent être encouragés à prendre leurs responsabilités :  

  • Maximising their own attendance (as per Home School Agreement).  
  • Being present at all lessons. 
  • Being punctual to all lessons. 
  • Signing in at the office should they arrive at school late (after registration has been taken in form time / a lesson) and stating the reason why they are late. 
  • Signing in for music/LAMDA lessons taking place during the day in College. 
  • Seeking proper permission in order to leave the premises during the school day and signing out at the office if they leave the premises. 
  • Prévenir tous les enseignants et chercher du travail en cas d'absence prévue. 
  • Demander à leurs professeurs les travaux manqués et les rattraper après une absence. 
  • Reminding parents to communicate with the office should they be unable to attend. 
  • Going to the College office if they feel unwell during the school day: the Office will contact home in the event of students needing to be collected to go home; students should not call their parents directly asking to be collected during the school day. 
  • See Appendix 5 for expectations specific to Sixth Form students.   

Les parents ont la responsabilité de :  

  • Encouraging their children to maximise their attendance and arrive at school punctually (as per Home School Agreement). 
  • Organiser les vacances familiales pendant les vacances scolaires afin d'éviter les absences. 
  • Seeking permission in writing from their child’s Head of School well in advance (at least 7 days) for any planned absence. 
  • Trying, wherever possible, to make medical (or similar) appointments for their child outside school time. If appointments are absolutely necessary, ensuring that an email requesting absence is submitted in advance. 
  • Agreeing an appropriate education plan with the College in the event of long-term absence. 
  • Meeting their legal obligation of ensuring that their child (Years 7-11) attends school on a regular and full-time basis. 
  • Ensuring that should their child be considered to be too ill to remain in school during the school day, either they or an appropriate adult collects their daughter from reception. Immediately informing the College by telephone or email if their child is unable to attend school and giving a reason. 
  • Requesting a note from any GP or consultant appointments relating to school absence (of more than 3 days) and passing this to the Head of School. 
  • Responding to any punctuality and attendance letters in a timely manner, and engaging constructively with punctuality and attendance plans implemented to support their daughter.  

Les enseignants de la matière sont responsables de :  

  • Being aware of their legal obligation to complete accurate registers (see CYPES School Attendance Policy for details). 
  • Keeping a head count of all students in class so that, in the event of a fire drill or alarm, the teacher knows how many students should be at assembly point. 
  • Completing a registration for each lesson, within the first 5 minutes of the lesson, and submitting it on SIMS employing the codes specified in Appendix 3. 
  • Upon completion of the register, alerting the Student Guidance team to student absence (as outlined in Appendix 3). 
  • Submitting register immediately should they receive a reminder from the Guidance Team.
  • Amending registers when a student arrives late (changing ‘N’s to ‘L’s). 
  • Contributing to an inclusive and welcoming environment which students want to attend and in which they want to learn. 
  • Promoting good attendance within their lessons and praising students for their good attendance. 
  • Contrôler l'assiduité aux cours et faire part de toute préoccupation concernant l'assiduité ou la ponctualité au chef de département et au tuteur de l'élève. 
  • Addressing any concerns with individual students regarding punctuality to their lessons (refer to Supporting Student Behaviour Policy) 
  • Aider les élèves à se mettre à jour dans leur travail s'ils doivent manquer ou ont manqué des cours.

Heads of Department/Faculty have responsibility for:  

  • Monitoring attendance in their Department/Faculty. 
  • Vérifier s'il existe des schémas d'assiduité ou de ponctualité liés à leur matière ou à un professeur de matière en particulier (par exemple, un étudiant qui est fréquemment absent au même cours chaque semaine). 
  • Soutenir les enseignants des différentes matières en cas de problèmes liés à l'assiduité et à la ponctualité. 
  • Informing College Business Manager of any visits or activities which might require registers to be completed (codes pre-entered) by the office. 
  • Informing a student’s tutor regarding any concerns relating to attendance or punctuality in the Department/Faculty.  

Les tuteurs sont responsables de :  

  • Promouvoir l'assiduité et la ponctualité des élèves. 
  • Ensuring that registration (which acts as morning roll call) is completed by 8.30am. 
  • Ensuring that afternoon registration (which also acts as afternoon roll call) is completed within the first five minutes of PM Form.  
  • Completing afternoon roll call registration on all days using the procedures in place (including assembly day and House days). 
  • Discussing attendance and punctuality in academic mentoring sessions either to praise or promote improvement and to reinforce the link between good attendance and strong academic progress.  
  • Liaising with subject teachers, Heads of Department and Heads of School regarding a student’s attendance and punctuality. 
  • Supporting students who have experienced a period of absence and conducting welfare checks with students and parents as directed by the Attendance and Welfare Lead (see Appendix 4 for details). See Appendix 5 for responsibilities specific to Sixth Form students.  

Office Team, led by the College Business Manager, have responsibility for:  

  • Reviewing the Admin inbox and phone messages relating to student absence prior to 0930 each morning. 
  • Contacting the Student Guidance Team to inform them when the N report is ready to run (as close to 9:30 as possible).  
  • Throughout the day, monitoring the registers of collaboration students (from other Colleges) for Ns, and updating collaboration partners.  
  • Managing the InVentry electronic sign in system (to include checking in with students who sign in late and sign out for appointments). 
  • Managing the process of students being collected in order to leave the College during the day for reasons of ill health (and seeking support from the Guidance Team when needed). 
  • Pre-entering registers with appropriate codes when a student has a planned absence (adding any relevant details, along with staff initials, as a ‘note’ on the SIMS register) 
  • As directed by activity or trip leaders, completing registers for students as appropriate. 
  • As directed by the Examinations Officers/subject leaders, completing registers for students who are involved in examinations as appropriate. 
  • Including accurate attendance figures on student summer reports sent to parents of students in Lower and Upper Schools.  
  • Providing additional assistance to the Student Guidance Team when needed (e.g. in the case of staff absence), as requested by the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance) to ensure that they can fulfil their responsibilities as outlined in this policy.

Student Guidance (Assistants to Heads of School) have responsibility for:  

  • Following the provision of the AM N report from the Office Team, ensuring that the parent(s) of any student absent without a reason provided are contacted (preferably by 10am on the same morning) in order to determine the reason for the absence.  
  • Monitoring the Absence inbox and InVentry throughout the day and responding to student absence. 
  • Vérifier que les registres leçon par leçon sont remplis par l'ensemble du personnel.  
  • Running and responding to the PM N report in the first half of Period 5 each day. 
  • Sending reminders to staff when lesson by lesson registers have not been submitted. 
  • Informing the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance) if any members of staff persistently fail to submit registers. 
  • Contributing to the support outlined in attendance/punctuality plans as directed by the Head of School or Attendance and Welfare Lead.  

Heads of School, supported by their Assistants, have responsibility for:  

  • Communicating to parents, via Parent Information Evenings, the College’s graduated approach to supporting attendance (see Appendix 2 and Appendix 5). 
  • Agreeing actions arising from monthly review of attendance data with the Attendance and Welfate Lead. 
  • Discussing attendance concerns with Assistant Head Teacher (Student Guidance) in weekly meeting and contacting parents as needed. 
  • Responding to individual cases of student absence and lateness, as appropriate, according to the level of absence, previous communication and individual circumstances. 
  • Aider les tuteurs et les enseignants à s'assurer que les élèves assistent aux cours et arrivent à l'heure. 
  • Attending relevant sections of termly meetings with the Education Welfare Officer to discuss attendance and punctuality. 
  • Communicating with parents to praise students if attendance improves significantly. 
  • Working with the Attendance and Welfare Lead to set up a meeting with parents and student to discuss an attendance plan / punctuality plan if this action is considered necessary. 
  • Liaising with parents and negotiating an education plan in the event of long-term absence. 
  • Recommending the use of reduced or part-time timetables, as appropriate, to the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance).  
  • Responding to routine absence requests and referring exceptional or uncertain cases to the Principal.  
  • Informing the Office team of any bespoke arrangements and procedures for individual students in relation to going home for reasons of ill health. 
  • Informer le personnel, lors des briefings, des actions et des élèves à suivre en matière d'assiduité et de ponctualité.
  • Supporting the work of their Assistants within the Guidance Team to ensure that they can fulfil their responsibilities as outlined in this policy.  

Attendance and Welfare Lead has responsibility for:  

  • Providing the College with operational, day-to-day leadership of attendance/punctuality matters, supported by the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance).  
  • Collating and reviewing accurate attendance statistics for Heads of School on a monthly basis; on the basis of this data, agreeing (and recording) actions with Heads of School.  
  • Collating and reviewing accurate punctuality statistics for Heads of School on a monthly basis; on the basis of this data, agreeing (and recording) actions with Heads of School. 
  • Providing accurate attendance statistics for Heads of School and Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance) when required, including to celebrate excellent attendance.  
  • Reviewing and (as needed) amending pre-entered codes on a monthly basis.  
  • Directing Tutors and the wider Guidance Team to send appropriate communication to parents regarding attendance and punctuality.  
  • Monitoring parental responses to communication regarding attendance and punctuality through the Heads of School Admin account.  
  • Maintaining oversight and records of all attendance/punctuality plans as well as reduced and part-time timetables. 
  • Monitoring student use of Exit Cards and overseeing the review of their allocation on a termly basis.  
  • In consultation with the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance), ensuring that the ‘Red’ list of students is accurately maintained on the appropriate Teams channel.  
  • Attending termly meetings with the Education Welfare Officer to discuss attendance and punctuality, and maintaining a record of actions agreed at these meetings.  
  • In consultation with the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance), making referrals to the School Nurse and/or Education Welfare Officer to support attendance when appropriate.  
  • Providing support to the Student Guidance Team, as needed, to ensure they can fulfil their responsibilities as outlined in this policy.  
  • As Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, taking action in line with the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy where attendance concerns relate to a safeguarding issue.  
  • Contributing to the review of this policy.   

Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance) has responsibility for:  

  • Providing the College with leadership of attendance/punctuality matters at SLT level. 
  • Communicating serious concerns relating to student attendance to the Principal. 
  • Communicating and promoting the importance of good attendance and its link with strong academic progress throughout the College to all stakeholders. 
  • Supporting Heads of School in ensuring that good attendance and punctuality is promoted throughout the school. 
  • Meeting regularly (usually weekly) with Heads of School to discuss any student concerns, including those relating to attendance/punctuality. 
  • Meeting regularly (usually weekly) with the Attendance and Welfare Lead to discuss their analysis of attendance/punctuality data and discuss any concerns. 
  • Soutenir et interpeller le personnel qui persiste à ne pas soumettre les registres ou à soumettre des registres inexacts et renvoyer ces cas au directeur si aucune amélioration n'est constatée. 
  • Providing support to the Student Guidance Team and other colleagues, as needed, to ensure they can fulfil their responsibilities as outlined in this policy. 
  • Convening termly meetings with the Education Welfare Officer to discuss attendance and punctuality. 
  • Providing statistics to Principal as required by CYPES. 
  • Providing SLT authorisation for part-time timetables when appropriate. 
  • Agreeing reduced timetables with the Principal.  
  • As Designated Safeguarding Lead, taking action in line with the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy where attendance concerns relate to a safeguarding issue. 
  • Contributing to the review of this policy.

Le directeur d'école est responsable de :   

  • Maintaining oversight of this policy.  
  • Authorising or not authorising, at his discretion, any requests for absence (where the decision has not been delegated to a Head of School).  
  • Reporting attendance statistics at each Governors’ Meeting. 
  • Providing the annual attendance return required to Education. 
  • Supporting and challenging the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance) to fulfil the aims of this policy.   

Links to other policies  

CYPES Policies 

School Attendance Policy 

Part Time Timetables Policy 

Internal Policies 

Accord sur l'enseignement à domicile 

Politique de sauvegarde et de protection de l'enfance 

Politique de soutien au comportement des élèves

Politique de bien-être


  1. Supporting cases of persistent non-attendance  
  2. Attendance Procedures (Years 7-11) as Communicated to Parents 
  3. Registration Codes and Guidance 
  4. Role of the Tutor Responding to Student Absence (Years 7-11) 
  5. Expectations and Responsibilities Specific to Sixth Form Students (Years 12-13)

1 Supporting cases of persistent non-attendance    

‘Any single case of persistent non-attendance might include elements of one or more of the following factor-categories of causation. 

  1. Emotionally-based: where there are mental health issues affecting the student; or other family members 
  2. Physical health related: ranging from unusually frequent coughs and colds to chronic conditions that necessitate episodic in-patient treatment 
  3. Attitudinal/systemic: absenteeism that becomes significant when it is habitual or too frequently a pragmatic solution, e.g. where the value of 100 per cent school attendance is not supported by the value system of a student, their family or the student’s peer culture. 
  4. School behaviour-related: e.g. exclusion, managed moves, alternative provision and part-time timetables. ‘ 

(Adapted from School attendance, exclusion and persistent absence, The British Psychological Society, 2017)  

The causes of persistent non-attendance are complex, individual and dynamic. As such, students experiencing persistent non-attendance may benefit from the support of various professionals including the following: 

  •  Form Tutor and Head of School 
  • School-based counsellor 
  • School Nurse 
  • Educational Psychologist 
  • Education Welfare Office 
  • CAMHS 
  • Family Partnership Worker (through Early Help process)  

Within College, such support will be overseen and co-ordinated by the Attendance and Welfare Lead in consultation with the Assistant Headteacher (Student Guidance).   

2 Attendance Procedures (Years 7-11) as Communicated to Parents

  • Attendance is reviewed on a monthly basis, and parents should expect to receive communication regarding any concerns from October onwards. 
  • If your child’s attendance is excellent (99-100%) or good to fair (96-98%), they may receive recognition and praise for this from their Tutor during a mentoring session. 
  • If your child’s attendance is concerning (91-95%), you should expect to receive email or telephone communication from the College in the first instance. If your child’s attendance remains at this level without improvement in the following month, you should expect further communication and offers of support. 
  • If your child’s attendance is low (86-90%), a member of the Student Guidance Team will make contact to discuss the possibility of creating a bespoke Attendance Plan to help remove barriers to your child’s attendance. Typically, an Attendance Plan would be implemented (where this is still needed) following a review period of 2 weeks.
  • Where attendance is at 85% or below, an Attendance Plan will be implemented and reviewed following a 2 week period. If the plan does not give rise to improvement, the College will refer the concern to the Education Welfare Officer (EWO), who provides specialist support to students (and their families) struggling to achieve good levels of attendance.

3 Registration Codes and Guidance  

Unless an alternative code has been pre-entered by the Office/Guidance Team (in which case please leave that code in place as you submit the register), please only use the codes as per below.   

AM Registration 8.25am and Period 1

Scénario Action
L'élève est présent  
Student is absent and Office/Guidance Team have pre-entered a symbol
Soumettre le registre avec le symbole préenregistré
L'élève est absent
If the student is on the ‘Red’ list, make a phone call to 555 / 516299.
Student arrives late (8.25 or after register has been submitted)
Envoyer au bureau pour s'inscrire
L'élève a une activité musicale, un examen, un sport ou une autre activité à l'école, mais aucun symbole n'a été saisi par le bureau.
If the student is on the ‘Red’ list, make a phone call to 555 / 516299.

Period 2 onwards

Scénario Action
L'élève est présent  
Student is absent and Office/Guidance Team have pre-entered a symbol
Soumettre le registre avec le symbole préenregistré
L'élève est absent
Please notify "JCG Absence" , and copy in the relevant Head of School.
If the student is on the ‘Red’ list, then this email would be replaced by a phone call to 555 / 516299.
L'élève arrive en retard
You know the student has music/exam/sport/ other activity that is in school as you have seen a list to say they are involved.

Inscription PM 14h00 (peut être 13h50 en cas d'assemblée "en direct")

Scénario Action
L'élève est présent  
Student is absent and Office/Guidance Team have pre-entered a symbol
Soumettre le registre avec le symbole préenregistré
L'élève est absent
Please notify "JCG Absence" , and copy in the relevant Head of School.
If the student is on the ‘Red’ list, then this email would be replaced by a phone call to 555 / 516299.
L'élève arrive en retard
L'élève a une activité musicale, un examen, un sport ou une autre activité à l'école, mais aucun symbole n'a été saisi par le bureau.

For details on the use of additional registration codes (to be entered by the Office team / Student Guidance team only), please see the CYPES School Attendance Policy.  

4 Role of the Tutor Responding to Student Absence (Years 7-11)  

3 day +/5 day + absences 

If a tutee has been absent for 3 or more days, please check in with them on their first day back in school:   

  • Are they feeling better? 
  • Do they need any support with catch up? 
  • Is there anything they are concerned about?   

If a tutee has been absent for 5 days, please make contact with their parent/guardian at home to check in. On their return, please also have the ‘Back to School’ chat (see above) directly with the student.    

Please let the Attendance and Welfate Lead and appropriate Head of School team know if any concerns are raised in these conversations with students or parents.   

As the people who see your tutees every day, you will often be immediately aware of a 3 day + absence, but the Guidance Team will send reminders/notifications to tutors when this occurs.    

Attendance Emails  

We ask that tutors make the first contact home regarding attendance that has fallen below 96%, to inform parents and check on the wellbeing of the student. Tutors will only ever make the first contact – if the student’s attendance does not improve, the Student Guidance Team will take over communication moving forward.     

The Attendance and Welfare Lead runs attendance reports each month; on this basis, Tutors will be directed to the relevant spreadsheet detailing any contact home required. Once Tutors have contacted home, they are asked to update the spreadsheet with the date of contact.   

Absence Requests/Appointments 

As tutors you may receive requests for absence or notification of appointments during school hours. To ensure that these are noted correctly, please forward these to the Office, Attendance and Welfare Lead, and the appropriate Head of School team.  

5 Expectations and Responsibilities Specific to Sixth Form Students (Years 12-13)  

Sixth Form Student Responsibilities  

  • Students are expected to attend all timetabled lessons (including Elective lessons), morning registration, Form periods, supervised study periods, assemblies and House sessions. 
  • It is an expectation that all Sixth Form students maintain a cumulative rate of attendance above 95%. 
  • Sixth Form students are expected to attend fully during the College day from 8.25am to 3.25pm. Home Study is permitted only in the absence of any timetabled sessions, and students may go off-site if they do not have a lesson or a supervised study period. Students may also go off site during the lunch period. 
  • Les étudiants sont censés utiliser leurs périodes d'étude pour travailler de manière indépendante, soit au Sixth Form Centre, à la bibliothèque, au QSR ou dans les départements avec l'accord du directeur de la faculté.  

Graduated Support for Students Not Meeting Expectations  

Note: the focus of all conversations/communications will be on removing barriers to attendance and promoting students’ sense of belonging.

  • Student will be spoken to by form tutor/subject teacher (Head of Sixth Form informed) 
  • Form tutor will contact parents (Head of Sixth Form informed and parental communication log completed on SIMS) 
  • Student will be spoken to by Head of Sixth Form 
  • Head of Sixth Form will call parents 
  • Head of Sixth Form will write to parents 
  • Head of Sixth Form will invite parents in for a meeting and student will be placed on a Sixth Form Contract and may have permission to go offsite withdrawn 
  • Principal will invite parents in for a meeting 
  • If no improvement follows, student’s place at JCG may be jeopardised